Friday 16 May 2014

How to fix xlive.dll file missing error

If you are getting the error message “xlive.dll file missing” or “xlive.dll file is not found” then it means that the system file called xlive.dll is missing or corrupt or its location has changed. Since it is a dynamic link library file so it is clear that is most important for the system and the application in which it exist. This file is located in System32 which is the main folder of the system and its name also indicates that it is the system file so if it is missing then you can’t run the system or application successfully. Xlive.dll is the file of game which is provided by Microsoft and the same file also exist in .NET so in any application it is must that the system files such as drivers, dll files, registry files must not corrupt or damage otherwise you will get the error message like given below-
"Xlive.dll Not Found"
"This application failed to start because xlive.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
 "Cannot find [PATH]\xlive.dll"
 "The file xlive.dll is missing."
 "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: xlive.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

Cause of this error:-
It is very easy and simple to know the cause of xlive.dll file missing error because it indicates that the dll file named xlive.dll is missing or corrupt so you are getting this error. It may be in two conditions, first is that if the system is infected with malicious programs so they damage the xlive.dll file or change its location so during the execution or running of the game it became unable to support and gives the error message “xlive.dll file not found”, the second condition is the installation of the application is missing or the version of the game is too old so the xlive.dll is missing. What else happen with the xlive.dll file but it is sure that if it is corrupt or missing then you will get the error message.

Click on the given buttons to download free software to fix this error

How to fix xlive.dll file missing error:-
You can fix xlive.dll file missing error if you repair the system files, scan the system to protect from malicious programs, repair the xlive.dll file or replace it. Since old version of Xlive.dll file may be the issue of this problem so use the latest and updated version and if you are again getting the error and unable to fix then download the xlive.dll file and replace but before doing this activity or process you can also try third party tool because sometime third party tool play an important role to solve the problems. You can try RegCurePro which is the partner of Microsoft and specially developed to solve the windows systems problems. I have also used to fix my pc problem so you can also try.

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