Tuesday 20 May 2014

How to fix windows update error 0x80200010

Windows update error 0x80200010 mostly occurs in Windows 2000 and Windows 2003. Since it is an update error so it is cleared that it can only occur if you update windows and some services or components required in windows update are missing. When error code 0x80200010 occurred in windows system then you can’t update windows and also can’t download updated file until you remove this issue. Microsoft has developed windows os as user friendly that if you mistake then it occur an error message to indicate that you are missing and if you will not solve the issue or problem of your system then you can’t perform services or tasks. The error message indicates to the adject issue of the problem so that user can easily solve it. When user tries to connect to the Microsoft Update Website then he/she receive the error code 0x80200010.

Cause of error code 0x80200010:-

Since every error code has its own issue which differs from others and helps the user to understand the cause of the problem so that it can handle successfully so error code 0x80200010 has also one specific issue. If BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) does not content link header then you may receive Windows update error code 0x80200010. You can also receive this error message if you are using a proxy which is unable to support the HTTP protocol. A part from this issue there are also some other issues such as connection interruption, background running services, injection of malicious programs etc.

Click on the given button to download the software to fix this error

How to fix this problem:-

Since this is a windows update error and occur due to missing BITS, proxy, connection interruption so you have to follow the given steps to fix it-
i) Check that you are connected to the internet or not:
As we know that when we try to update windows and its files then it is compulsory to connect the system with internet so we must make sure that we are connected with the internet or not. Follow the given steps to check that you are connected or not-
a) Close the Browser you have opened
b) Open internet Explorer and search for a link like http://www.microsoft.com to verify that it searched or not. If it is searched the try again for windows update.
ii) Close Background Running Services:-
Sometime when you update windows some programs such as anti-virus, firewall etc run in background and disturb windows update so stopped such services before update.
iii) From the current job clear the BITS queue
a) Open notepad and write the given command
net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
Ipconfig /flushdns
cd "Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader"
del qmgr0.dat
del qmgr1.dat
net start bits
net start wuauserv
b) Save the file with extension .bat as clear.bat
c) Now open this .bat file because when you open this file it will clear the BITS queue
If you will follow the given steps then you can fix windows update error code 0x80200010 easily so try it yourself because I have used the given process to fix my pc problem windows update error 0x80200010.

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