Tuesday 6 May 2014

Error code 429-Activex component cannot create object

Since error code 429 is a runtime error so it is sure that it can only occurs when you run or execute the program or application. This error is basically related to Visual Basic program. Activex is the one of the most important file of the .NET framework which is responsible for features of .NET and it is a term of COM Object. Activex file is used to create object in the program but if it is damaged or gets corrupt then it give the error message Runtime error 429-Activex component cannot create object. If you have not installed the software successfully or if the configuration of the system is missing then you may get such type of problem so the best way is to maintain the system and safe it from injection of malicious programs etc.

Cause of this error:-
Cause of runtime error 429 is that the Activex file has damaged or corrupted sop unable to create object or if the written code of the program for creating the object is missing then you may also get such type of problems. A part from these issues if dll file or system registry file is missing then it may be the cause of error code 429. Malicious programs are the common issue for many problems so they may be the cause. This error may be occur in excel or Visual Basic but in excel missing DAO design time licensing key may be the issue of this problem but it can’t be the issue in Visual Basic.

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How to fix this problem:-
If you are getting error code 429 in Visual Basic then check the code where you have written the code of creating object, reregister the registry file, repair the system and also scan the system. You can also do that go to the Control panel, Add/remove programs and select the file components of .NET and remove or uninstall them, when this process finished then restart the system and reinstall the software. If you have recently installed any software or hardware then remove them because may be that it is not compatible and due to this reason you are getting the problem. If you are creating the instance of office application then doesn’t use the “New” operator but instead of this keyword use “CreateObject”.
Verify that the ProgID which has passed to Createobject is correct or not.I have also face this problem and used the given step to fix my pc so you can also try.

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