Saturday 3 May 2014

How to fix Windows error 2738

Windows error 2738 occurs in Windows operating system but generally in Windows 7 os. This error is related to VBScript Engine because if it is not working properly or gets damage then during the installation of Windows 7 os it became unable to install and an error message appears on the system screen with the error code 2738. Microsoft has developed the Windows os as user friendly that if you mistake or anything going wrong with the system then it will indicate you with the error message that you are doing something wrong and it may be dangerous for your system. When user gets the error message he/she understand the cause of the problem and fix them him or herself and if it is unable to fix manually then they use Windows tools to fix the problems. Error message is-
Error 2738. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action.

Cause of this error:-
Corrupt or damaged or missing Windows Script engine is the cause of Windows error 2738. If the registry file of the system is missing then it may be the cause of this problem because registry file is the main database file of the system and it has the details of all applications of the system so if it is missing then it also affect the applications of the system and gets unable to install. 

Solution of this error:-
If you want fix windows error 2738 then you can fix it by following given instructions such as-
i) Go to the Registry file and check the vbscript.dll and jscript.dll are registered in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU)  and check for the registry keys which are given below as- 
VBScript, HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}
JScript, HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA00BBBB58}
If such type of registry keys found then remove them because they may be the cause of Windows error 2738.
You can also fix windows error 2738 by registering VBScript so follow the given steps to register it-
i) Open Command prompt as Administrator and Write the command
cd %windir%\system32 and press enter if you have 32 bit os
Write cd %windir%\syswow64 if you have 64 bit os then press enter
ii) Now type regsvr32 vbscript.dll into CMD and press enter
iii) Write regsvr32 jscript.dll into CMD and also press enter

Click on the given buttons to download software to fix this problem
After following the given steps restart the system, now you will not get this problem because the VBscript engine has registered successfully. If you have used any additional hardware then remove them.  Always maintain your system and protect it from malicious programs. I have also used the given steps to fix my pc problems so you can also try it.

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