Thursday 8 May 2014

How to fix runtime error 372

Runtime error 372 is a common error of windows so if you are getting this error then you can fix it. Since it is a common error of windows so it means not that underestimates it or don’t try to remove it, if you will do so then it may damage your system or the data of the system may be lost. This error occurs due to missing system files, malicious programs, old or outdated driver, missing registry file, frequent installing of files, manually changing in the system files setting etc. Runtime error not often occurs in the system but if the file of the system which is compulsory to run the specific program then you may get this problem. If you are getting this problem first time then restart the system because system restarting mostly removes the problems. You may receive the error message as-
Runtime Error: 372 - Failed to load control <controlName> from <control.ocx>.Your version of <control.ocx> may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application.

Cause of this error:-
If you want to know the cause of runtime error 372 then it is very easy to know because if you focus on the error message then it indicates that there is some issue with the version of the control.ocx or it is outdated. You have to make sure that you are using the correct version that is included with the application. As we know that when we install any application its detailed also stored in registry file and it depend on the user login type such as for personal login or general login. If you login with different user account but try to access the file with other account then you can’t access due to account changing. When the application is stored for specific account then COM components referenced in HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry file but if it is as installed that everyone can use it then it is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE so all users are allowed to access the application.

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How to fix this problem:-
If you want to fix runtime error 372 then you can do it very easily. Since this error occurs due to installation problem of application in a specific user account so if you want that every user can access the file then modify the installation program and install it for all users. You can also do that check the version of the control.ocx because if it is very old or incompatible then you can get the runtime error 372 so use the latest and updated control.ocx. You can also do that scan the system to remove malicious programs to provide safety of the system and update windows so that it may be able to compatible to run the latest software or application. I have also faced this issue and used the given instructions to fix my pc problem so try it yourself.

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