Saturday 24 May 2014

How to fix windows update error code 0x80004002

Windows update error 0x80004002 is a common error of windows which occurs when user try to update windows and its files. As we know that windows is the os developed by Microsoft and it include many features and technologies day by day so user update windows to use the latest and new features of windows such as compatibility of new softwares and hardware, virus and other harmful programs protection, new drivers etc. When we update windows it works very well, smooth and it also became flexible. When we update windows then we must care as windows service is start or not, other programs must not run in background, no interruption of internet etc. Error code 0x80004002 mostly occurs when we try to download security update with the help of Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer then you receive error code 0x80004002. Error message is given for your guide-
“No such interface supported. (0x80004002)”

Cause of this error:-

It is very simple and easy to know the error code 0x80004002 because it has some message such as “No such interface supported”. The error message indicates that interface is not supported to download files to update windows. If download managers are installed on the computer then it may be the cause of windows update error code 0x80004002. Download manager affects and restrict Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer to download security. If URLDownloadToFile() API is called by MBSA with the help of COM object then MBSA can’t download the security update. When we install download managers on the system then protocol namespace handlers also installed in the registry file of the system and due to this issue the update failed.

How to verify that namespace handlers are installed in the registry file or not:-

We can verify that the namespace handlers are installed or not in the registry of the system through the given steps-
i) Click on Start and go to Run
ii) Write “regedit” in the search box and press enter to open it
iii) Go to the Edit menu and click on Find
iv) You will get a search box with “What Find” so write in this box as “Name-Space handler” and click on Find Next
v) Expand it and search for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PROTOCOLS\Name-Space Handler\http.

Download the software to fix windows error
How to fix this error:-

If you are getting error code 0x80004002 and unable to update windows files such as security then you can fix it if you uninstall the namespace handler from registry of the system. You can also do that scan the system so that it became protected, go to the windows service and verify that it is start or not if not start then start it. Sometime due to missing component or files of the system we get many types of windows error so we can also use windows repair tool to fix that type of issues of the system. If you follow the given instructions then you can fix windows update error code 0x80004002. I have also got many types of windows error and used windows repair tool to fix my pc problems and found that the problems solved easily so you can also try it.

How to fix msvcr90.dll file missing

If you are getting msvcr90.dll file missing error then you must fix it as soon as possible because the error message indicates that the msvcr90.dll file is missing or gets corrupt so it is unable to run the system and since it is a dll file which stands for dynamic link library and responsible to perform many functions of the system to run it smoothly and provide the flexibility to its users so if due to malicious programs, system configuration missing,  setting of the system files, system shut down accidently msvcr90.dll file gets corrupt or moved to the other path so it gives the error.  You may receive the error message in different form such as-
"Msvcr90.dll Not Found"
 "This application failed to start because msvcr90.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
 "Cannot find [PATH]\msvcr90.dll"
 "The file msvcr90.dll is missing."
 "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: msvcr90.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

Cause of this error:-

Missing or corrupt msvcr90.dll file is the cause of msvcr90.dll error. This file is one of the most important file of the system so if it is missing or gets corrupt then the system became unable to run and when the user start the system it stopped with one of the error message given above this paragraph. Sometime malicious programs injected in the system and if user doesn’t scan the system then they damage the system files and during this process msvcr90.dll file is also get damaged.  If the system registry file is missing or the configuration of the system is missing or the user change the settings of the system manually and due to this issue the dll file msvcr90.dll moved from its default location so user receive the error msvcr90.dll missing.

Click on the given button to download the software to fix this error

How to fix this error:- 

If you want to fix msvcr90.dll error then you have to scan the system before any activity because when you scan the system it is protected from malicious programs. After performing this activity system restore because if the msvcr.dll file moved from its location then it recovered to its default location and system works as it was before this error. A part from theses manual steps you can also do that repair this dll file and if it is still giving the error then download this file and replace the old. You can also do that install a windows repair tool and run it to fix this issue automatically. I have also face this problem and user RegCure Pro to fix my pc problem

How to fix windows error code 0x80004005

When you start windows and any issue with the files of windows then in this condition you receive the error code 0x80004005. You may also receive this error message when you access Microsoft outlook to receive emails.  Mostly it occurs in Windows XP based system and the symptom is as we start windows XP to do any activity it gives the error code 0x80004005. As we know that windows has many system files are the whole activities of the system depends of these files so if any one of these files is missing or gets corrupt then system can’t start and gives the error code and it may be that you will receive some different error codes such as Error code 0x80090006, 0x8009001d, 0x80070002, 0x8007007e, 0x800705aa etc. You receive the error message as-
“A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0xnnnnnnnn” 
In the given error message 0xnnnnnnnn is used to denote a specific error code 0x80004005.

Cause of this error:-

You receive the error code 0x80004005 if the required file for Windows Product Activation is damaged or missing. If third party utility with the installation of Windows XP or the file named WPA is manually modified. As we know that system files are most important files for the system so we must not changes or modification because if any modification happens with the files then it can’t support the system to run it smoothly. 

Click on the given button to download the software as trial

How to fix this error:-

If you want to fix windows error code 0x80004005 then you need to repair the system files, scan the whole system, restore system, replace the damaged file, update system and at last use the third party windows repair tool. When you scan the system it is protected from malicious programs and so system files protected from damage or corrupt. System restore also play some important role to solve or fix the problems of the system because if any file setting is missing or moved from its location then it is recovered or moved to its default setting or path and system starts working smoothly. Sometime system repair also play important role to fix the problems of windows system because when we repair system then its files repaired and starts working. To do this activity you have to insert Windows XP os in your system and you have to select repair, it will take some time to repair and after processing the system repaired and restart automatically. IF manual process is not working then you can use a third party tool such as RegCure Pro so download and install this tool in your system and run it.I have used this tool to fix my pc problem so you can also try it.

Thursday 22 May 2014

How to fix windows update error 0x8007065e

Since Windows update error code 0x8007065e is an update error so it is fixed that you can receive this error code when you update windows. Windows has so many errors but they occur in different situations such as if system files are missing such as windows driver, dll files etc then you can receive BSOD error, Boot error, driver error etc. Windows has developed so simple that user can easily operate it and if anything happening wrong in the system then it gives the error message with indications so that user can know the issue and fixed it. If you update windows and some components or files needed to update are missing then you can’t update windows and the process end with the error message depending on the issue.

Cause of this error:-

If a file needed to windows update is missing or damaged or moved to the other location then you it became the cause of Windows update error code 0x8007065e. Sometime system is insecure so malicious programs injected in the system and damage some files of the system so the file became unsupported to perform any activity based on it. 

Click on the given button to download software to fix this issue

How to fix this problem:-

If you are getting error code 0x8007065e then it became compulsory to fix this error as soon as possible because unless you solve this issue you can’t update windows successful and due to this reason you can’t use latest and new features of windows. You can fix Windows update error code 0x8007065e with the help of manual process or by using a third party repair tool. Follow the given manual process-
i) Scan the system:-
It is one of the best and common manual processes which is used to fix many problems of the system because when we scan the system it remove malicious programs and provide safety of the system. malicious programs damage system files so it is compulsory to be sure that the system is protected or not.
ii) Restore the System:-
If the file which is missing and restrict to update windows has moved to other location then system restore can recover it to the default location so also use this process. 
iii) System repair:-
If you repair system then missing or damaged file also repaired and starts working properly.
iv) Windows update troubleshooter:-
Microsoft provides windows update troubleshooter so you can use this tool to fix the issues automatically. Download this tool and install in your system
v) Use DISM tool:-
You can also fix this issue if you run DISM tool so open command prompt as Administrator, Write the given command and hit enter after each command the close command prompt and try for windows update.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

If you follow the given steps then you can fix windows update error code 0x8007065e but sometime manual steps not work so in that situation you can use third party tool such as RegCure Pro which is the partner of Microsoft and repair corrupt or damaged files of windows. I have also used this tool to fix my pc problems so you can also try it.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Fix windows update error 80242016

Windows update error code 80242016 occurs in your system when you try to update windows to use latest and new features of windows. As we know that windows is the most important os which is developed by Microsoft and it is updated day by day with latest technologies and features so that its user can use it smoothly and new softwares or hardware also became compatible. When you update windows many of the issues of the system are removed because if the windows driver is old or outdated then you may receive the error message but if you update windows driver then you can receive the error and system works without any trouble or problem. Unless you remove error code 80242016, you can’t update windows successfully. 

Cause of this error:-

Connection interruption is the main cause of Windows update error code 80242016. As we know that before windows update it is must to connect to the internet because windows updated online so if the connection is slow or missing then you will receive the error code 80242016. If the issue with cable, router or modem then the internet will slow or disturb so it can’t support to windows update.

Download software for free to fix this issue 
How to fix this error:-

If you will resolve the issues of internet then you can fix windows update error code 80242016. Since this error occurs due to missing internet connection so check the cable, router or modem that it is installed successfully or not. You can try the process that restart the router, reinstall modem and try again for windows update. Sometime it also happen that windows service is not start and you try to update windows so make sure that windows service is start. To do this activity, go to the Control Panel, Windows update and start the services if it is stopped. You can also do that scan the system to remove malicious programs because sometime they damage components of windows services. If any program or services is running in the background of the system then stop them because they can disturb windows update. You can also repair windows files because if system files are missing then they repaired. I have used RegCure Pro to fix my pc problems so you can also try but first of all try the given manual step and if it fails then use any third party tool.

How to fix physxloader.dll missing error

Since physxloader.dll file is one of the most important file of Windows system so if it is missing or damaged then you will receive the error physxloader.dll file missing. The error message indicates you before happening wrong so you have to don’t take it easy and try to fix or solve as soon as possible because if it is not fixed or removed then you can’t work on system and it may be that some other files of the system also gets damage or corrupt, windows crash, hard disk crash, system freeze etc. Dll file stands for dynamic link library and used to perform many tasks. You can also create your own dll file to accomplish the desired tasks according to your requirements. You may receive the error messages as given for your guide-
"Physxloader.dll Not Found"
 "This application failed to start because physxloader.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
 "Cannot find [PATH]\physxloader.dll"
 "The file physxloader.dll is missing."
 "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: physxloader.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

Cause of this error:-

Cause of physxloader.dll missing error is corrupt or damaged physxloader.dll file. This file is also included with some games so if you try to run the game which has physxloader.dll file and it is corrupt then you can’t perform any activity based on this file. Sometime due to miss configuration of system, injection of malicious programs, physxloader.dll file gets corrupt or moved from its path or location so when user run the program or application it gives the error.

Download software to remove this error

How to fix physxloader.dll missing error:-

You can fix physxloader.dll missing error if you repair or reinstall the physxloader.dll file.  Since you are getting this error due to missing physxloaded.dll so repair this dll file and try again. If it still occur the error message on the system screen then you can replace this dll file so download it from internet and replace but before replacing this file you have to also do some manual process such as system scan, system restore, system repair etc. Sometime third party tools play important role to fix such type of issues and also repair the damaged system file so you can also try for it. One day I face the situation as I opened a game of the system it occurred the error message physxloader.dll missing so I used RegCure Pro to fix my pc issue and the result was so positive that the error never comes again.

How to fix windows update error 0x80200010

Windows update error 0x80200010 mostly occurs in Windows 2000 and Windows 2003. Since it is an update error so it is cleared that it can only occur if you update windows and some services or components required in windows update are missing. When error code 0x80200010 occurred in windows system then you can’t update windows and also can’t download updated file until you remove this issue. Microsoft has developed windows os as user friendly that if you mistake then it occur an error message to indicate that you are missing and if you will not solve the issue or problem of your system then you can’t perform services or tasks. The error message indicates to the adject issue of the problem so that user can easily solve it. When user tries to connect to the Microsoft Update Website then he/she receive the error code 0x80200010.

Cause of error code 0x80200010:-

Since every error code has its own issue which differs from others and helps the user to understand the cause of the problem so that it can handle successfully so error code 0x80200010 has also one specific issue. If BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) does not content link header then you may receive Windows update error code 0x80200010. You can also receive this error message if you are using a proxy which is unable to support the HTTP protocol. A part from this issue there are also some other issues such as connection interruption, background running services, injection of malicious programs etc.

Click on the given button to download the software to fix this error

How to fix this problem:-

Since this is a windows update error and occur due to missing BITS, proxy, connection interruption so you have to follow the given steps to fix it-
i) Check that you are connected to the internet or not:
As we know that when we try to update windows and its files then it is compulsory to connect the system with internet so we must make sure that we are connected with the internet or not. Follow the given steps to check that you are connected or not-
a) Close the Browser you have opened
b) Open internet Explorer and search for a link like to verify that it searched or not. If it is searched the try again for windows update.
ii) Close Background Running Services:-
Sometime when you update windows some programs such as anti-virus, firewall etc run in background and disturb windows update so stopped such services before update.
iii) From the current job clear the BITS queue
a) Open notepad and write the given command
net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
Ipconfig /flushdns
cd "Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader"
del qmgr0.dat
del qmgr1.dat
net start bits
net start wuauserv
b) Save the file with extension .bat as clear.bat
c) Now open this .bat file because when you open this file it will clear the BITS queue
If you will follow the given steps then you can fix windows update error code 0x80200010 easily so try it yourself because I have used the given process to fix my pc problem windows update error 0x80200010.