Tuesday 8 April 2014

Error 1068 "Error Message When You Try to Turn On Internet Connection Sharing"

Windows error 1068 occurs when you try to start Internet Connection sharing. This error occurs due to failed dependency service or group. Sometime when you use internet connection sharing but the services is not on then you can face such type of error. Sometime this problem also happens during adding printer with the windows system. The error message is –
“Windows could not start the Print Spooler service on local computer.”
“Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start”.
You can also get this error message as-
1068: Dependency service or group failed to start.
As we know that internet connection has also some other files for supporting it to run smoothly so if one of them is not on or active then you can face such type of error.

How to fix windows error 1068:-
If you are getting this error with internet connection sharing then you can fix windows error 1068 by following processes-
i) Start the system and click on start(Windows icon)
ii) Click on the option Help and Support
iii) Click on “Use Tools to view your computer information and  diagnose problems “ which is given under Pick a task
iv) From Tools click on System Configuration Utility
v) Click on Open System Utility which is given on right side
vi) Now click on Services
vii) Check that all given services is on or not. If any of the services is not on then click on the given check box to on it
a) Application layer Gateway service
b) Plug and play
c) Network Connection
d) Network location Awareness
e) Remote Access Auto connection Manager
f) Remote Procedure call(PRC)
g) Telephony
viii) After verifying these files click on OK and Restart the system

Now you can use internet connection sharing wizard successfully. I have also used these steps to fix my pc problem of windows error 1068 so you also try it. It is compulsory that the dependencies services must be active or on otherwise the main file such as internet connection sharing wizard can’t work. 

Click on the given buttons to download windows repair tool to fix windows error 1068
Now you can use internet connection sharing wizard successfully. I have also used these steps to fix my pc problem of windows error 1068 so you also try it. It is compulsory that the dependencies services must be active or on otherwise the main file such as internet connection sharing wizard can’t work. 

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