Saturday 29 March 2014

Error px.dll missing:-
Px.dll file is one of the most important file of the windows operating system which is located in the C:/Windows/System32/px.dll. Since it is a dll file so it is responsible to distribute many functions and modules of the system. This dll file is specially used to support .WAV file format to run the multimedia. If the px.dll file is damaged or corrupt then you can face this problem. You can get the error messages in different forms which are given below-
Px.dll Not Found"
"This application failed to start because px.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
"Cannot find [PATH]\px.dll"
"The file px.dll is missing."
"Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: px.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

Cause of px.dll missing error:-
The main cause of px.dll error is corrupt or damaged px.dll file. If it is moved from its location then it may be the cause of px.dll missing error. Sometime user change the location of px.dll file without knowledge and it happens when user changing setting of the system and moving some system files and during this process px.dll file also moved. In other case if the system is malware or other malicious programs infected then the px.dll file is corrupted by such harmful programs and gives produce this problem. Malicious programs also move the file from one location to another or delete them.

Fix px.dll missing error:-
If you are getting the px.dll missing error then it is compulsory to fix it so repair the system, restore the system and scan the system with a powerful and updated antivirus. If the px.dll file has moved from its location then it can be recovered by System restore because when the system is restored it changed in its default setting and the system files moved to the actual and default location. But if the px.dll file is located to the default location but not working or supported by the system then it means that it is corrupted so repair the system or replace this file with its copy. Download px.dll file and replace it. One day I face this problem and scan the system to fix my pc problem and the result was very positive. I found many malicious programs injected in the system so first I fixed them then restart the system. The problem solved easily. So try it yourself.

Friday 28 March 2014

The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found:-
 The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found error message occurs in the system when you are working on the system and opened a program or application which is based on this dll file but the dll file d3dx9_25.dll is corrupt or damaged or moved from the location or path which is mentioned so during the performing the tasks based on this dll file gets problem and occurs the error that “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found”. If you are getting this error message then it means that the d3dx9_25.dll is damaged or moved from the path so repair the system or scan the system to fix this problem otherwise it may be the cause of slow system performance, system shut down automatically, windows crash, hard disk crash, system freeze, blue screen of death etc.

Cause of the error “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found”:-
Corrupt or damaged or moved d3dx9-25.dll file is the main cause of the error “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found”. Sometime malicious programs injected in the system due to poor system maintenance and damage the system files and during such activities they also damaged the dll file, registry file etc.  This problem is also the result of malicious program. If the dll file named d3dx9_20.dll is damaged or moved from the default location which is mentioned in the system to run and support the system. Miss configuration of the system may be the cause of the error “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found”.

Fix the error “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found”:-

It is compulsory for you to fix the error “The file d3dx9_25.dll was not found” as soon as possible if it occurs in your system because it may be dangerous for your system. Since this error message occurs due to corrupt or damaged or moved dll file which is located in C:/Windows/System32/d3dx9_25.dll so go to this location and search for this dll file if it is not found then it means that it has moved to the other location so restore the system to get it as a default location. Click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, System tools and System Restore. It will ask a conformation question that are you want to system restore or not then click on Yes. It is one of the best processes to fix such type of errors which occurs due to path not found. Scan the system to repair the corrupt system file or dll file. If again getting this error then replace the d3dx9_25.dll file with a new d3dx9_25.dll file. I have face this problems before and used System restore to fix my pc problems and the result was very positive. The dll file d3dx9_25.dll founded in the default location and never gives this error.

Msvcr70.dll missing error:-
Msvcr70.dll is a one of the most important dll file of the system which included with windows os. Windows is most popular os of the world and it has so many files such as dll file, registry file, .sys file, windows driver etc. Dynamic files are responsible to performs many activities by providing the feature of codes reusability so they save the times and also helps to manage the files and programs. This file is located in the system as C:/Windows/System32/Msvcr.dll. All dll files are included in the most important file named System32 which support the system to run the programs and application. Main system files are stored in this folder. Msvcr.dll file performs task to distribute functionalities and modules of the system. You can also create your own dll file to do the functionality based on this dll file. When the programs run dll files are called to support them. If any of the dll file has damaged or missing or moved from the actual location then it will trouble to run the programs and application which are related to such dll files. The error message is-
"Msvcr70.dll Not Found"
"This application failed to start because msvcr70.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
"Cannot find [PATH]\msvcr70.dll"
"The file msvcr70.dll is missing."
"Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: msvcr70.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

Cause of Msvcr.dll missing error:-
It is very simple to know the cause of Msvcr.dll missing error because the error message included the name of the dll file Msvcr.dll which is the one of the important dll file of the system when it is damaged gives this error. Sometime during changing the system files path or changing the setting of the files of the system by mistake Msvcr.dll file is also removed from the default location so when you run the programs or work on the system it doesn’t support fully and occurs the Msvcr.dll missing error. Malicious programs may be the cause of this problem because sometime they entered in the system and corrupt the dll files.

Fix Msvcr.dll missing error:-
If you are getting the Msvcr.dll missing error then it is recommended to remove it as soon as possible because it indicate that your system’s dll file named Msvcr.dll is missing it means that it may be corrupt or moved from the location and path is not found so fix Msvcr.dll missing error quickly otherwise it may crash windows or hard disk may be formatted or crashed because it is the dll file of the system which is included with the windows os by default. Scan the system to fix the issues of malicious programs or repair the system files such as registry file, dll files.  Replace the Msvcr.dll file with a new versions Msvcr.dll file.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Runtime error 217:-

Runtime error 217 is a common runtime error of windows os which occurs in windows system due to missing with internet explorer or Norton antivirus. When you try to access the internet explorer you can get this error or during working on the system suddenly the system stopped working with this error message. Sometime this problem occurs with system internal clock due to not matching countries time. If you have installed software recently which relies on PCs regional setting then you can also face this situation. Sometime you can fix this error by restarting the system but if it is again happening then never take it in easy and try to fix as soon as possible. When you update or install software then you may also get this problem.

Cause of runtime error 217:-
Cause of runtime error 217 are given below-
i) Regional setting of the system is not in a proper way
ii) Missing dll file or specially Msvcrt.dll file is the cause of runtime error 217
iii) Missing or incorrect registry entries
iv) Old or outdated MS DCOM
v) Malicious programs injection

Solution of runtime error 217:-
If you are getting runtime error 217 then it is compulsory to remove it. One of the best manual process to fix runtime 217 is scan the system to fix the issues of malicious programs such as virus, Trojan etc. Update the windows driver because it compulsory to use new versions of driver which must be updated. Windows driver communicate with software, hardware and windows os and we know that the runtime errors mostly occurs due to software missing or failure. If registry file which is the database of the system has incorrect entries then remove them and Make sure that the MS DCOM should not old or outdated. You can also remove runtime error 217 by setting changes of internet explorer as-
i) Start the system and open the internet explorer
ii) Go to Tools option and click on it
iii) Select the internet options and open it
iv) You will get a dialog box with some minus so click on the tab Advance and go to Reset button and click on it
v) Finally click on OK to conform reset
vi) Restart the system
You can also use a third party tool to repair and remove runtime error. I have already used these processes to fix my pc runtime error 217 and so many others.

                                                             Hal.dll error :-
Hal.dll error occurs in the windows system due to missing or corrupt hal.dll file. This file is located in the location C:/Windows/System32/hal.dll.  Since it is a dll file so it is more responsible to perform the system tasks. When you run the programs of windows os then much of the functionalities and modules are distributed by dll files. Dll files helps to code reuse, reduced disk space, promote for modularization of the code etc and the system performance gets fast and programs load and run faster with few disk space. It is based on shared library concept which allow developers of shared code to modify or upgrade the functionality without requiring applications to be re-compiled. Hal.dll also perform such activities. If this file gets damage or corrupt due to malware or system files missing then it doesn’t support system to run the programs. The error message is-
"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file."

"<Winnt_root>\System32\Hal.dll missing or corrupt:
Please re-install a copy of the above file."

"Cannot find \Windows\System32\hal.dll"

"Cannot find hal.dll"

Cause of hal.dll error:-
Corrupt or damage hal.dll file is the main cause of hal.dll error. It is very simple to know the reason of this error because the file which occurs this error is included with the error message. If you are changing the system setting and during this process you have changed the location of the hal.dll file then when you run the program it will not match to the desired location and produce the hal.dll missing error. If this file is deleted accidently by user or malicious programs entered in the system and deleted or corrupt then it may be the cause of hal.dll error. 

Solution of this problem:-
It is compulsory for you to fix hal.dll error if it occurs in your system during working on the system because it indicate that your system is missing and the dll file name hal.dll is damaged or corrupt so it is unable to support and run the programs. Scan the system to make sure that your system is protected from malicious programs such as virus, Trojan, malware, adware etc. If any issue related to such type of programs found then remove them and restore the system because if the hal.dll file has moved from the location which is default location then it can be recovered. You can also replace the hal.dll file to fix this error. The given steps are very useful and you can use to fix had.dll error. I have also used these steps to fix my pc problem.  

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Windows error “System32 corrupt or missing” :-

Windows error “System32 corrupt or missing” is a common but critical error of windows system which mostly occurs in windows 7 and XP versions. As we know that windows is most popular operating system but it has also so many type of errors. If you maintain your system then you can prevent from windows errors. Sometime due to injection of malicious programs or due to damage windows files or other activities of installed software system file called system32 is affected and system gives the error message of Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt-
System 32 is one of the most important file of the system which stored many other important files such as windows dll files, drivers, .sys files, .NLS files and so more which are compulsory to run the system. If one of the file of them is missing or corrupt then system can’t work or started. System32 is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. It stores the core operating files so we can’t work on the system if this file is corrupt because it will not support the windows os and if the os is not supported then you can think that how it is possible to work on a system without an os. It is never possible so if the system32 file of windows is corrupt or damaged and you are getting the error message that system32 corrupt or missing then never take it in easy and simple way and try to fix this issue as soon as possible otherwise it can freeze the system.

Cause of windows error system32 corrupt or missing:-
If the system is not well configured and you have changes the setting of the system or the system is infected with malware or other malicious programs and system32 file is damaged or corrupt then it may be the main cause of windows error system32 corrupt or missing. Sometime due to damage or corrupt files of the system32 it is also damaged. If the dll file or the system or the windows driver is moved from the location or then they may be the cause of windows error system32 corrupt or missing.

Solution of windows error system32 corrupt or missing:-
System32 is the main file of the system and compulsory to repair if it is damaged or corrupt. The error message “system32 corrupt or missing” indicate that something wrong with your system32 file and it is missing or damaged so the best option to solve this issue is to repair the system and restore the system. If you found that some specific file of the system is missing or corrupt then you can replace to fix windows error system32 corrupt of missing. You can also use third party tool called RegCure Pro to fix windows error system32 corrupt or missing. I have faced the same situation and used this tool to fix my pc problems.
Windows update error 8004005:-

Windows update error 8004005 is a common error of windows which occurs during the windows updating. When this error occurs in the system it stops the process of updating of windows with the error message that some files can’t be updated error code 80004005. There are many causes of windows update error and also many types of windows error but every error has its own issue which helps the user to know the actual reason of the problem and fix it also. Windows update error 80004005 occurs in the system when you try to update windows or connect Microsoft Access database to connect Activex data Object or ODBC. This error is very critical because it can damage the windows or system freeze. Errors are not good for the system so if you are getting any type of errors in your system then remove them as soon as possible.

Causes of windows update error 80004005:-
There are many causes of windows update error 80004005. If you are updating windows but some programs are running in the background of the system then it may be the issue of this error. Internet interruption and malicious programs may be the reason of the windows update error 80004005.Sometime user start the windows update but the some other files of windows are also set as automatic start and as you start the windows update they also started and disturb to complete the process of windows update successfully. 

Solution of windows update error 80004005:-
It is compulsory to fix windows update error 80004005 if  you want to update successfully because unless this problem solved you can’t update windows successfully. Check that some other files such as firewall, anti-virus etc are running automatically or not. If they are running automatically then stop them and also change the name of the folder SoftwareDistribution. To stop the other services update follow the given instructions such as-
i) Click on Start and Control Panel
ii) Click on the option Performance and maintenance
iii) Go to Administrator Tools
iv) Go to Services and Automatic update Services
v) From the general Tab click on the option “Stop automatic update”

Now try to update windows. You can update your windows successfully. It is also recommended that make sure that the system is protected from malicious programs so scan the system with windows repair tool named RegCure Pro because it can fix the malicious programs and also protect the system and cleans the system files to give better system performance. I have used this tool to fix my pc problems many times. You can also face the situation that some files of the system are deleted or damaged and system is unable to start and some programs are not working properly so it also useful in such type of problematic situation. It is the best tool to fix windows update error 80004005.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Flash error 2048:-

We face the problem of flash error 2048 in windows os when we try to access videos in YouTube. As we know that YouTube is the one of the most popular medium to find videoed and watch it live so windows user also use this utility. When system user connect their system with internet and go to the site of YouTube( and search for the videos and try to watch online then they face a problem of flash error 2048 and the video is unable to run. It is a common error of flash but if the video is very important for you and you need to watch or download but due to this error you are unable to perform such activities then it became very problematic for you and it became compulsory to fix it. Sometime during downloading videos from other websites may be occurs flash error 2048.

Cause of flash error 2048:-
There are so many cause of flash error 2048 which are given below-
i) If your system is not working properly and something missing in the system then you can face this problem.
ii) If your system is crashing most of times then it may be the cause of flash error 2048
iii) The performance of the system is too slow.
iv) Internet connection to very slow. We all are familiar with this problem that if the internet speed is very slow then it may cause flash error 2048 during accessing YouTube videos and the web page may not be opened successfully.
v) System setting is not in a proper way.
vi) System is infected with malicious programs.
Flash played is a software which needed sometime to run the videos so it may be that the video needs to flash and it is not fulfilled. 

Solution of flash error 2048:-
If you are getting flash error 2048 then you can’t access the videos online and also not download it so it is compulsory to fix this error. Check the internet connection, scan the system, check the system setting if it has changed then restore the system to get the default setting. You can also use a third party tool to fix flash error 2048. There are many tools in the market so install one of the best and run it to fix the system errors if they are the cause of this error. I also get this error and found that the system setting is the main reason so I used RegCure Pro to fix my pc problems.

Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down:-

Windows is one of the most popular operating system of the world which is developed by Microsoft. It has low cost and well featured so millions of user’s use this os and the no of new users are also increasing day by day. Microsoft provides its trial version also. Sometime it became problematic due to some files missing or damaged or corrupts files. Operating System is the main part of the system which interacts with user and hardware devices. We can’t use the system without os. There are so many errors occurs in windows system but each have their own meaning which helps the system user to understand the actual cause or issue and he/she can fix it easily. Some errors occurs due to missing registry files, some are due to malicious programs. A part from this if your system is not well configured, dll file is missing or the windows driver is old or outdated then it may be the problem for windows user. The error message “windows has encountered a problem and needs to be shut down” appears on the system screen when you are working on the system but some files of the system is unsupported. You may also face this error when you start your system. The error message is-

“Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down”

Cause of this error:- 
There are many causes of error message “Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down”. If your system files such as registry file, dll file, windows driver etc are damaged or corrupted or moved from the location then the system will not supported by these files and it will produce the error message “Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down”. Registry file is the database file of the system and it has the information of all application so if it is damaged then the system will not run successfully. Same as windows driver must be new versions or updated because they play a role or chain to communicate with os, software and hardware devices.

Solution of this error:-
It is compulsory to fix windows error “Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down” if it occurs in your system because it may be dangerous for the system. This error message indicates that something wrong in your system and needs to be solve. Never ignore such type of error messages because it may damage windows or system may be freeze so scan the system to be sure that malicious programs are not entered in the system and repair windows, update windows, windows driver and also repair the registry files. If you have installed free software recently and getting this problem then uninstall it. These are the manual processes to fix windows error “Windows has encountered a problem and needs to shut down” but you can also windows repair tool to fix windows error. Install one of the best windows repair tool and run it to fix the problems automatically. I have used these solution to fix my pc errors. These options are very useful.

Monday 24 March 2014

Windows 7 error code 10:-
Windows 7 error code occurs in Device Manager when it is unable to start the device, windows driver unable to start etc.  Windows 7 is a well featured operating system of Windows series which is mostly used by the windows users. But it has also problems like error code 10, driver error, dll error etc. If the windows 7 files are missing or the driver which is responsible to communicate with hardware, software and os of the system is damaged or corrupt or moved from the desired location then it will not support the system to run the programs successfully and the result will be that you will get the windows 7 error code 10 while accessing the system. Device Manager is a control panel applet of windows 7 os or other windows versions such as windows 8/7, XP and Vista. This utility provides the facility to users to control and mange the hardware devices of the system. If you have attached a hardware in your system but is is not compatible then you can get the windows 7 error code 10. 

Fix windows 7 error code 7:-
If you are getting the windows 7 error codes 10 then it means that something getting wrong in your windows 7 os so repair the windows and updates it. You can also check the manual process system restore and driver update. If the files of the system have moved from the desired location and setting of the system has changed then it will be solved with system restore. Windows driver are more responsible to run the system so update them to fix windows 7 error code 10. Be sure that the hardware device you have attached to the system is compatible or not if it is not compatible then remove it. You can also use RegCure Pro which is specially developed to fix windows error and can be worked with all windows versions and it can fix windows error. I also face this problem and used RegCure pro to fix my pc problems.